Before you can start getting traffic to your website, you need to make sure that people know about it. The quickest way to do this is through keyword optimization — which means targeting the right keywords so that potential visitors can find your site easily. If they see your keywords in their search results, they’ll be much more likely to click on them and visit your site. However, not all keywords will get you the same amount of search engine focus or traction for your site. Some keywords are going to rank higher for your page in Google than others, meaning it’s going to be harder for new visitors who don’t know about those terms (and don’t have enough information) to find you. So what does this mean for you? Well, if you have a new website and want it to rank quickly, the best thing you can do is optimize it using these tips below. Once you know how Google handles different types of websites and pages, you can start working on creating content that appeals more specifically to people who are looking for what you offer.
What’s Google looking for when it decides which pages rank?
Every time someone in the world Googles your keyword, they’re looking at a list of other websites. And once they find a page that seems relevant, they click on it to read the content and then leave the site and go on to the next one on the list. If you want your page to be on that list, you need to make sure that it has the best chance of being picked up by those Googlers. Google is looking for pages that have high “quality” in the sense that they provide useful, original information. But it’s also looking for pages that have “high “truth” — in the sense that the information is correct — and “relevancy” — in the sense that it’s relevant to the person looking for information. So, a page that’s not particularly useful or relevant will have a much lower chance of ranking than a page that’s just a little bit off.
Keyword Research
Keyword research is the process of finding out what are the top keywords people are typing into Google and trying to rank for them. There are a lot of ways to do this, and the best is to get a list of the most important keywords and their synonyms from major industry sources, such as Google Keyword Planner, SEOmoz, and WordTracker. After you’ve collected these keywords, you’ll want to do some research to find out what people are actually saying when they type them into Google. You can do this by looking through the search results for common keywords, by searching for related phrases near your keywords, by searching for example-type sentences, and by looking at the synonyms that other pages have used for your keywords.
How to get quality links and anchor text
Now that you have your list of high-value, high-relevance keywords and their synonyms, the next thing you want to do is build backlinks to your site. Backlinks are links to your site from other websites that are built either by linking to your site or by linking to other pages on websites that link to them. So, if you want to rank for “glass break sound effect” you can’t try to rank for that keyword with just the text of your article. You’re going to have to use a lot more than that — and you’re going to have to use a lot more than just a few backlinks from high-value, relevant pages.
Don’t Be Evil — Remove Negative User Reviews
It’s one thing if your reviews are all 5-stars. But the least you can do is actively removing negative reviews from your pages. You don’t have to remove every negative review, but you do want to get rid of the ones that are mostly negative. If you leave them up, you’re doing two things: - You’re giving those people a platform to voice their complaints — and Google knows how bad those are and will lower your page in the rankings. - You’re giving Google a reason to think that your page isn’t worth ranking because there are so many bad reviews.
Establish a Brand Voice and Stay Consistent
When you’re writing your blog posts, you don’t want to just focus on the keywords and write in a way that’s appealing to people who type “glass break sound effect” into Google. You want to focus on writing in a way that makes your brand recognizable to your readers. This means writing in a way that is authentic and consistent with your other pages and your other posts.
Bottom Line
Keyword research and backlinks are the first steps in getting your website to rank on Google. Once you’ve done this, you will have to focus on creating great content for your site that addresses the needs of your target audience. For example, if you’re trying to rank for the keyword “glass break sound effect,” you’re going to have to write an article that is related to that topic. But if you’re trying to rank for something like “dog training methods,” you’re going to have to write about a different topic that still relates to your brand. Keep in mind that Google is looking for quality content that’s also relevant and interesting to your readers. If you can do that, you’ll see a significant improvement in your search engine rankings.